Jun 14, 2022
In this episode, Alec and Jodie talk to Rebecca Strong about her experience as a health and wellness writer, the state of modern journalism and how the blanket mainstream response to the ‘pandemic’ led her down an overwhelming rabbit hole – follow the money, find the answers.
Rebecca Strong is a Boston-based health and wellness writer for Insider, Health magazine, Healthline, Bustle, Eat This Not That, and other outlets, a former tech reporter, and an alumna of Emerson College. Her latest independently published piece, "Putting Big Bad Pharma Back on Trial in the COVID-19 Era" can be found on Medium, and you can follow her work on Twitter at @_bexstrong.
For Rebecca’s original article, ‘Putting Big Bad Pharma Back on Trial in the COVID-19 Era’, please visit:
To find more of Rebecca’s work, please visit:
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